Monday, November 25, 2019

how hitler rose to power essays

how hitler rose to power essays In my belief on my knowledge and what I've read and heard about Hitler, I think that Hitler came to power by his words what Germany's econmical situation was. At the time Germany had just lost World War I and was in a depression frome the reparations the the Allies of WWI demanded for the damages Germany caused. During this time many political factions were fighting for power of Germany. Among these parties were Capitalists, Socialists, Communists, and a small new group called the German Workers Party. Adolf Hitler was a quiet Corporal in the 2nd Regimant in the German Army. The nhe was given an assignment along with a few other men from his regiment.This assignment was to enter a meeting of a small group calling themselves the German Workers Party. On September 20, 1919 Adolf and a few others dressed in civilian clothes and attended the meeteing. during the meeting Gottfried Feder was giving a speach titled " How and by what means is capitalism to be eliminated?' After the speach a man rose up and spoke in favor of the German State of Bavaria breaking away from Germany. An enraged Hitler spoke forcefully for fifteen minutes to the astonishment of everyone. One of the founders named Anton Drexler whispered "...he's got the gift of gab. We could use him." Andon then gave Adolf a forty page pamphlet entitled, "My Political Awakening." In Mein Kampf, Hitler describes the condition of the party... "...aside from a few directives, there was nothing, no program, no leaflet, no printing matter at all, no membership cards, not even a miserable rubber stamp..." Young Adolf saw opprotunity in this little unorganized party. After two days of thinking Hitler decides to joing the German Workers Party. In 1919 at the age of thirt, Hitler began a frenzied effort to succeed. The German Workers Party mainly consisted of an executive committe which had seven members including Hitler. By now you ask, how did Hitl...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What causes recessions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

What causes recessions - Essay Example By definition, a recession refers to a two or more consecutive quarters of a general decline in economic activity [gross domestic product] (Gwartney, Stroup, Sobel and Macpherson 171). Generally a precursor of a depression, a recession is comparatively less severe but with almost similar dramatic economic effects.   While the numerous past recessions appear unique in terms of origin, all are preceded by the Greenspan’s irrational exuberance that unduly escalates asset values (5). To be sure, there is no one single cause of a recession (Simpson 12-13). Economists are in agreement that while a significant event in a particular sector with notable economic effects may be a trigger, a number of factors often come into play to magnify economic contraction into a visible catastrophe. Accordingly, the causes are categorized into two: the demand side shocks that hit one or various components of the aggregate demand [AD] and the supply-side shocks that affect the short-run aggregate supply, inflation [through cost push], investments and business profits. According to the demand side economics, a recession can be triggered by one or a combination of: an economic slump of a major trading partner, which may be a country or region/an economic block [such as the EU]; a credit crunch driven by the inab ility of the financial institutions to meet lending requirements of households and businesses or conscious cutting back of credit through abnormally raised interest rates on loans; a sharp fall or total collapse of crucial asset prices [such as property prices]; and a trade imbalance prompted by an abnormal appreciation of the exchange rate (Tatom 2). On the other hand, the supply recession-causing shocks include: increasing international oil prices that subsequently translate into increased cost of production [through the oil costs

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Science Column Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Science Column - Essay Example A physical quantity is defined by the sequence of operations used to determine its value (Wiliamson). The grouping of several physical quantities to find out the values of each in relation to each other is what constitutes a physical law which is defined as. The laws of thermodynamics relate the heat with temperature changes in materials of different kinds. To be clearer on this, let us begin by defining the various laws of thermodynamics. To begin with the first laws which states that Heat is a form of energy, and energy is conserved (Wiliamson). Here the first law confirms that heat is a form of energy and that it can be conserved. This is seen when we use electricity in our homes, the electrical energy is usually stored in the form of water which is then used to drive turbines hence generating electricity which we often use in our homes. This can always be conserved to minimize wastages by either conserving the water stored in a dam or switching off the electricity when not in use . The second law of thermodynamics can be stated in three different ways as defined by three different scholars. For our study we are going to use the definition of Kelvin which states that No cyclic process exists which produces no other effect than the extraction of heat from a body and its conversion into an equivalent amount of work (Wiliamson). The second law of thermodynamics here brings out the reversibility of thermodynamic processes, that is heat is never lost to the surrounding environments given that all factors such as heat loss to the surroundings through evaporation and other heat transfer processes are under control. This is always carried out in the laboratory by using a calorimeter, a laboratory instrument which is used to measure the amount of heat generated through chemical reactions and other physical changes. The calorimeter is designed for this purpose as it is made in such a way that it can minimize heat loss to the surrounding environment as well as heat gain from the same thus ensuring that heat contained in the materials is the same that is used in the entire experiment. It was upon the realization of the limiting factors in the definition of the term temperature by the two thermodynamic laws that the Zeroth law was devised the help in bridging the gap that was omitted. The zeroth law suggests that If two systems are in thermal equilibrium with a third system, then they are in equilibrium with each other (Wiliamson). This law enables one to order systems according to the direction of heat flow when these two systems are put into contact with each other. For this reason, a system is said to be hotter if heat flows from it into the other system which in this case is considered a colder one than the other when these two systems are put into contact with each other. The reverse is however true in the other direction. The third law of thermodynamics on the other and explains that the entropy of a system approaches a constant value as the t emperature approaches absolute zero (Wiliamson). This law suggests that all motions in a material tend to come a standstill, cease within that particular material as the temperature of that material reduces to absolute zero. All materials however must reach a state whereby the temperatures reduce to absolute zero hence no thermodynamic motions occurring within them. The three laws of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Promoting access to medical technologies - from Chile's perspective Research Paper

Promoting access to medical technologies - from Chile's perspective mun position - Research Paper Example Chile believes that this is one of the issues that international peace is being put on stakes. In order to bring peace in the world, there needs to be uniformity and equality among countries. Therefore, Chile positions the aspect of promotion of access to medical technologies for developing countries (World Health Organization). In the present times, Chile is determined to undertake treaties and agreements that would allow developing countries to benefit from it. Among these agreements, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP) seems to work effectively for negotiation from 12 countries. Chile is among these 12 countries that are committed to develop medical research and technologies in developing countries so that the current research protocol in the developed countries can be shifted or shared with the developing countries. Similar to these treaties are the forum discussion being held with Chile with Asian developing countries where effective and life-saving medicine research is being sponsored so that chronic diseases can now be treated. It is an evident fact that medicine and technology cannot be applied until constant lab work is done within the developing countries. For this purpose, Chile has proposed the initiation of university programs that will be aided by the country along with the infrastructure. Chile c ompletely understand that at this point where international politics have become increasingly critical, exchange of technology can surely be a way to bring peace and harmony. It will spread equality among developing and developed countries so that conflicts can be finished (Li). It is thus recommended that developed countries of the world must come forward and promote medical technologies access by forming legal and policy options. There needs to be effective research done on the empirical data confirming the assisted usage of medical technologies in developing countries (Zuniga, Marks and Gostin). It is

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Durkheims Theory of Suicide

Durkheims Theory of Suicide Suicide is a very complex subject triggered by various complex factors. The failure to meet ones expectations which may have been instilled as early as childhood may bring about a wide variety of emotions leading to people committing suicide for various reasons. Depression, physical or sexual abuse, horrible disappointments, severe financial loss, mental or emotional disorders, all trigger feelings of emptiness and hopelessness and are just some of the few psychological factors which may influence an individuals final and distorted decision of committing suicide as a means to put an end to these insufferable emotions. The foregoing, however, is just a superficial analysis touching merely upon the surface of the deep-seated source of suicide. This paper will thus attempt to provide a more in depth analysis of why people commit suicide by looking primarily at the sociological factors and in particular in relation to Durkheims work. Durkheim defines suicide as a general state of extreme depression and exaggerated sadness, causing the patient no longer to realize sanely the bonds which connect him with the people and things about him -pleasures no longer attract [Durkheim,1951:63]. Durkheim further stated that man cannot become attached to higher aims and submit to a rule if he sees nothing above him to which he belongs to free him from all social pressure is to abandon him to himself and demoralize him [Durkheim,1951:110]. In Durkheims Interdiction to Suicide: A study in Sociology, Durkheim expresses his concern in developing the conduct of sociology. He sees the main problem to be that sociology is mostly constructed on philosophical overviews, and does not answer the exact social questions. he suggests a methodology that will give the science of sociology strong baselines and real results. In his book, Durkheim applies these propositions and shows how sociology should be conducted, and firmly draws conclusions that expose to us the way in which we should be able to approach the difficulties of society. This study has been presented in such a way that it is probable to assess the relevance and accuracy of its meanings and deductions. Durkheim gives the importance of sociology far more than being just a tool to fix the world, but it is a lens, through which we see reality as a shared reality, one included of individuals who are determined by their realities. In this introductory chapter he investigates the act of suicide and explores its social roots by examining suicide rates in different social classes and correlating that with the characteristics of the society . [Durkheim,1970:41] A differentiation is made between two types of suicide, positive and negative. In Durkheims words suicide is thus described as all cases of death resulting directly or indirectly from a positive or negative act of the victim himself, which he knows will produce this result [Durkheim,1986:64]. A positive performance would be to discharge or to suspend an act. In this case, death comes as a straight product of the action. A negative act would be the scenario of remaining in a burning house or to refuse eating to the point of hunger. Death in this case is the indirect result of an individuals act. Durkheim believed that the areas with the highest rates of mental illnesses and alcoholism are not necessarily the areas with the highest suicide rates , esquirol wrote that suicide may be seen to be for us only a phenomenon resulting from many different causes and appearing under many different forms ; and it is clear that this phenomenon is not characteristic of a disease.[Esquirol,1838:528] Durkheim believed that suicide is not an individual act nor a personal achievement. It is produced by some power which is over and above the individual. Durkheim studied suicide vis a vis the relationship between individuals and society affirmed that suicide is a social phenomenon as well as establishing that there are no societies in which suicide does not occur. He asserted that what most people regard as an individual act is in reality the result of the social world. The evidence supporting this view are numerous. In addition to the start differentiation made between positive and negative acts of suicide , Durkheims research concluded that the institution of marriage protects against suicide making the observation that suicide rates are higher among people that have lost their spouse and those whom are divorced.. In additional Durkheim observes that suicide rates are higher among couples who have no children than couples who do, concluding that a human being needs to be loved and have a purpose in life. People who does not experience this in their life are the ones more susceptible to suicide. [Durkheim,1951:175]. The institution of marriage may thus play a vital role in ones decision to commit suicide Whether marriage should be viewed positively in relation to suicide is however debatable. While on the one hand marriage may play a role in protecting against suicide by providing love, purpose and stability in ones life it may on the other hand be a volatile institution that once shattered may instead be an instigator of suicide Durkheim interestingly further observed that suicide rates are higher during times of peace than times of war because during war people need to be untied in defending their country [Durkheim,1951:229] This observation may therefore suggest that feelings of patriotism, honor as well as purpose tend to distant an individual from suicide. Suicide rates also tend to be higher during rapid economic changes than in economic crises as rapid economic changes are sudden and difficult to endure. [Durkheim,1951:241]This observation made by Durkheim may suggest that people are required to work harder in such economic times constantly being pushed to their limits in order to keep up to such rapid changes bringing about feelings of despair, restlessness and being under appreciated. According to Durkheims research, religion may have an affect on suicide rates. Durkheims collected data suggested that Protestants are more likely to commit suicide than Catholics, due to the fact that Protestants are more idiosyncratic while Catholics are more communitarian. [Durkheim,1951:153] In other words Catholics tend to have more social support. According to Durkheim people connecting and validating each other within a community plays an important role in preventing suicide making this kind of social integration important. Without this type of connection people may experience feelings of depression , isolation pushing them towards suicide. Durkheim, however, seemed to identify two sides a coin in relation to social integration pointing out that where social integration is high, people are more likely to commit suicide in order to avoid becoming burdens to society . Two distinct features are therefore identified by Durkheim; namely, social regulation and social integration. In tegration is described as the degree to which collective sentiments are shared and regulation refers to the degree of external constraint on people [ Ritzer,1992:90] . Based on these two social forces, four types of suicide have been proposed by Durkheim. Durkheim differentiated between four types of suicide, the first being egoistic suicide. [Durkheim,1951:152] Egoistic suicide is viewed as stemming from an absence of social integration and is committed by people who are outcast by society and are insufficiently integrated into social groups and societies, they depend more on themselves than on a group of objectives and instructions. They are not socially combined or not socially tied to a community or group. These types of individuals find themselves powerless in finding their own individual place in society and experience problems adjusting to other groups and are given little or no social care. Suicide is therefore perceived as a solution to free themselves of the loneliness or excessive individuation , this brings Durkheim points out that this type of suicide is mostly prevalent amongst those who are unmarried, widowed, divorced, have no children as well as those without any strong attachments to religious, social or community gr oups. The second type of suicide identified by Durkheim is anomic suicide. Anomic suicide is viewed by Durkheim as disillusionment and disappointment occurring when a person goes through extreme changes in wealth and is ultimately caused from a lack of social regulation. This type of suicide is most notable at times when society is rapidly changing leading to uncertainty. It is a type of suicide that stems from sudden and unexpected changes which Durkheim found mostly occurs during rapid economic changes than in economic crises. Durkheims interestingly points out that suicide is more evident in crisis that brings out disturbances in ones life rather than being attributed to poverty. [Durkheim,1951:245] Altruistic suicide is the third type of suicide that has been identified and according to Durkheim this type of suicide occurs when individuals or a group are too close and intimate ,and stems from being overly integrated into society. It is the other side of the spectrum in social integration when an individual is so well integrated into society that they choose to sacrifice their own life in order to fulfill some obligation. Altruistic suicide, being a complex concept, can further be broken down into three types: optional, acute and obligatory altruistic suicide. Optional altruistic suicide is brought about by societal pressures that may in fact be well-intentioned. This can be seen in Japan where there is a high level of suicide amongst students because of stress and high expectations from others and the constant pressured to excel at school exams. Often the accompanying stress and anxiety pushes them to commit suicide; suicide in the victims perspective becomes the answer to free dom of oppression from what society expects individuals to be Acute altruistic suicide occurs when an individual kills himself in order to save another life. For example when a fire-fighter saves a person from a burning fire but the fire-fighter dies as a result. This is an act of heroism and self-sacrifice. It could be argued that it may by flawed to categories this as a type of suicide which is mainly associated with a troublesome and stressed life when in fact such an act may be a form of righteous act Obligatory altruistic suicidal refers to a type of suicidal where respect and honor plays an important factor. For example in hind women should kill themselves in the funeral of their husbands after the death of their husbands they are not allowed to live anymore. If such a person insists on living he loses public respect; in one case the usual funeral honors are denied, in another a life of horror is supposed to await him beyond the grave. [Durkheim,1951:219] Durkheim points out that altruistic suicide is part of the collective spirit [Durkheim,1970] for example when the spirit inquires you to do something you are obliged to do so and which we therefore see in environments where society places a substantial amount of pressure and expectations on individuals which may in turn push an individual towards suicide as a means of escape. The final type of suicide is fatalistic suicide. Durkheim discussed this type briefly because it was seen as a rare phenomenon in the real world. Fatalistic suicide occurs in social conditions where an individual experiences universal persecution resulting from excessive regulation whose passions [were] violently choked by oppressive discipline [Durkheim,1970] Slavery and persecution are examples of fatalistic suicide in which an individual may feel that they are destined by fate to be in such conditions and choose suicide as the only means to escape such conditions These four types of suicide are categorized by the degree of integration and regulation of individuals in their surrounding society. According to Durkheim people commit suicide because of either too high or too low integration or regulation , Suicide is a social fact and is due to social forces. Individuals are more likely to commit suicide each time the condition of society leaves from a state of stability. Society preserves stability by integration and regulation Durkheims work has been critiqued on many grounds for example his emphasis on consensus and morality ,his positivist method and negligence of the individual as an actor , his description of suicide rates . Durkheims concept of suicide is thought to be more reinforced by argument than by fact. However, he is contributed to the growth of sociology and over a difficult theoretical framework To conclude suicide is not an individual act it is a social act. People commit suicide because they are not supported by society or they do not feel loved by their own family, if a person has no support in his life and no one to care about him than they can feel valueless and this will lead to depression which may lead to suicide , Suicide rates are correlated with how well a person is integrated into society and the degree to which society regulates individual behavior . in general suicide has some connection with social rules or standards and the individual

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Anti-Terrorism in the UK The United Kingdom stands out from the world with its distinctive anti-terrorism policy, which gives the government extended powers to arrest, detain, and supervise those believed to be potential terrorists beyond what many other countries find suitable (Feikert & Doyle 2). The UK’s legislation surrounding terrorism is the product of policy that has evolved over time as the result of attacks taken out on the UK itself as well as global events that highlight the need for protection. The government has put together a thorough policy in response to terrorism, as well as preventative measures in an attempt to prevent such events from happening in the future. However, some measures taken by the government are seen by citizens and global critics to violate individual liberties and infringe on privacy. While the safety of its citizens is the prime motive of such policy, some people have been left to feel discriminated against in their own country. While the UK’s anti-terroris m policy is no doubt comprehensive, including measures to pursue, prevent, prepare, and protect the people from the threat of terrorism, the government is going to have to deal with the controversy regarding discrimination in order to satisfy its citizens and prevent future homegrown terrorist attacks. Terrorism is a difficult subject to tackle as it is hard to define. There is no collectively accepted definition in either the legal, civil, or academic sense of the word (Panter 579). The government of the UK defines terrorism as â€Å"the use or threat of action designed to influence the government or an international governmental organisation or to intimidate the public, or a section of the public; made for the purposes of advancing a political... ...ent needs to take this situation into consideration when creating laws, especially those that restrict the liberties of individuals. The UK’s unique style of government and policy history places it in a distinctive position compared to the rest of the world when it comes to counter terrorism measures. The government has created new policies over decades, which have been notable in their restriction of liberties and privacies of its citizens. It has become a controversy as to whether this should be allowed in order to protect the population as a whole or if these measures are a violation of human rights. Such policy is risky in that it might make some who feel discriminated against or disconnected turn to terrorism. While the UK’s anti-terrorism policy is detailed and comprehensive, it must take this into account and deal with the controversy in future legislation. Essay -- Anti-Terrorism in the UK The United Kingdom stands out from the world with its distinctive anti-terrorism policy, which gives the government extended powers to arrest, detain, and supervise those believed to be potential terrorists beyond what many other countries find suitable (Feikert & Doyle 2). The UK’s legislation surrounding terrorism is the product of policy that has evolved over time as the result of attacks taken out on the UK itself as well as global events that highlight the need for protection. The government has put together a thorough policy in response to terrorism, as well as preventative measures in an attempt to prevent such events from happening in the future. However, some measures taken by the government are seen by citizens and global critics to violate individual liberties and infringe on privacy. While the safety of its citizens is the prime motive of such policy, some people have been left to feel discriminated against in their own country. While the UK’s anti-terroris m policy is no doubt comprehensive, including measures to pursue, prevent, prepare, and protect the people from the threat of terrorism, the government is going to have to deal with the controversy regarding discrimination in order to satisfy its citizens and prevent future homegrown terrorist attacks. Terrorism is a difficult subject to tackle as it is hard to define. There is no collectively accepted definition in either the legal, civil, or academic sense of the word (Panter 579). The government of the UK defines terrorism as â€Å"the use or threat of action designed to influence the government or an international governmental organisation or to intimidate the public, or a section of the public; made for the purposes of advancing a political... ...ent needs to take this situation into consideration when creating laws, especially those that restrict the liberties of individuals. The UK’s unique style of government and policy history places it in a distinctive position compared to the rest of the world when it comes to counter terrorism measures. The government has created new policies over decades, which have been notable in their restriction of liberties and privacies of its citizens. It has become a controversy as to whether this should be allowed in order to protect the population as a whole or if these measures are a violation of human rights. Such policy is risky in that it might make some who feel discriminated against or disconnected turn to terrorism. While the UK’s anti-terrorism policy is detailed and comprehensive, it must take this into account and deal with the controversy in future legislation.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Coming Home

They say that there’s no place like home, and I would say nothing much comes close. People here, there and everywhere dream of a place, abroad or locally to go to. But for people like me who grew up at the province and are now studying in a different place, we reminisce the times we were with the people who we grew up with. Yes, the place I would like to visit is my hometown of GeneralSantosCity. The place that I will forever cherish in my memories In the days coming before the semestral break, a friend asked me, â€Å"Are you going to go back to Gensan? † and I said â€Å"yeah†. Then she asked me why, at first I didn’t really know what to say. I just had this overwhelming feeling all semester that â€Å"I need to go back†. To go back to the place I spent sixteen years of my life, the place that molded my being, that taught me so much and gave me so much to bring with me here in Cavite. My quick answer of course was â€Å"because it was where I grew up†, at the time I felt it was sufficient but, as I thought about it more, I realized it was a pretty shallow answer. I mean, who doesn’t want to go back home? But then again what is a home? For some it doesn’t even exist, and for some they say it’s just a memory. Some say it is the place where you grow up wanting to leave and grow old wanting to come back. Still others say it is where we belong, it is not a physical structure but rather for me it is a sense of well being. You just feel right, when you’re there, I don’t know, I don’t have the wisdom to elaborate further, but I’m sure there’s a place where you’ve felt it too. For me, its just different there, I feel so calm, so relaxed, so at ease, so at home, it’s the place I feel I can let my guard down. Well its not that I didn’t have problems while I was in Gensan. Believe me, there were things that I regretted doing there up until now. Ang rami ko ngang kapalpakan noon† as I say in our native language. But after dealing with my new environment here, nostalgia is a welcome visitor. As the lyrics of a song says:†I'm coming home, I'm coming home,Tell the? world I'm coming home, Let the rain wash away, all the pain of yesterda y,I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes,I'm coming home,I'm coming home,Tell the world I'm coming†¦ â€Å". Because you see as time passes by you will come to laugh at the most bitter of memories, even the most hurtful, because I believe there will come a time when all we will have is our dear lives and our failing memories.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

How to Perform the Instant Fire Chemistry Demonstration

How to Perform the Instant Fire Chemistry Demonstration Heres a simple fire chemistry demonstration that produces instant fire without using matches or any other type of flame. Potassium chlorate and ordinary table sugar are combined. When a drop of sulfuric acid is added, a reaction is catalyzed which produces heat, an amazing bright/tall purple flame, and a lot of smoke. Instant Fire Materials Potassium chloratePowdered (confectioners) sugar or table sugar (sucrose)Sulfuric acidSmall glass jar or  test tube Procedure Mix  equal parts potassium chlorate and table sugar (sucrose) in a small glass jar or test tube. Choose a container you dont value, as the demonstration will probably cause it to shatter.Place the mixture in a fume hood and equip lab safety gear (which you should be wearing anyway). To initiate the reaction, carefully add a drop or two of sulfuric acid to the powdered mixture. The mixture will burst into a tall purple flame, accompanied by heat and a lot of smoke.How it works: potassium chlorate (KClO3) is a powerful oxidizer, used in matches and fireworks. Sucrose is an easy-to-oxidize energy source. When sulfuric acid is introduced, potassium chlorate decomposes to produce oxygen:2KClO3(s) heat - 2KCl(s) 3O2(g)The sugar burns in the presence of oxygen. The flame is purple from the heating of the potassium (similar to a flame test). Tips Perform this demonstration in a fume hood, as a considerable quantity of smoke will be produced. Alternatively, perform this demonstration outdoors.Granulated table sugar is preferable to powdered sugar which is, in turn, preferable to reagent grade sucrose. The powdered sugar is capable of smothering the fire, while the granules of the reagent-grade sucrose may be too large to support a ​good reaction.Follow proper safety precautions. Do not store the potassium chlorate and sugar mixture, as it can react spontaneously. Use care when removing the potassium chlorate from its container, to avoid sparking, which can ignite the container. Wear the usual protective gear when performing this reaction (goggles, lab coat, etc.).The Dancing Gummi Bear is a variation on this demonstration. Here, a small quantity of potassium chlorate is carefully heated in a large test tube, clamped to a ring stand over a flame, until it has melted. A Gummi Bear candy is added to the container, resultin g in a vigorous reaction. The bear dances amidst bright purple flames.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Forming the Comparative of One-syllable Adjectives

Forming the Comparative of One-syllable Adjectives Forming the Comparative of One-syllable Adjectives Forming the Comparative of One-syllable Adjectives By Maeve Maddox I was only half-listening to an economic analyst being interviewed on NPR, but shot to attention when he said that some economic event was â€Å"a more strong indicator† of something or other. Knowing that being interviewed and talking off the cuff can be stressful for people not used to it, I turned to the web to see if I could find written examples of more being used to compare single-syllable adjectives. Confining my search to the adjective strong, I found these examples: Why para nitro benzoic acid is more stronger acid than meta nitro benzoic acid Which would be a more strong magnet? Is â€Å"certainly† a more strong adverb than â€Å"definitely†? â€Å"certainly† is more stronger. . Merge data fields in a more strong way Which is a more strong and just relation, friendship or love? Note: The positive, comparative, and superlative forms of strong are strong, stronger, strongest. I was looking for examples of â€Å"more strong.† I never expected to find â€Å"more stronger.† Here are the conventional rules for forming the comparative form of a one-syllable adjective in English. To compare a one-syllable adjective ending with a consonant, add -er. small, smaller sweet, sweeter long, longer strong, stronger If the one-syllable adjective already ends with the letter e, form the comparative by adding -r: nice, nicer wise, wiser If the one-syllable adjective ends with a single consonant preceded by a vowel, double the consonant and add -er: big, bigger thin, thinner Now for the exceptions to the rule. Sometimes using more instead of -er with a one-syllable adjective is an acceptable stylistic choice: 1. The writer wishes to emphasize the comparison. â€Å"He promised to paint the chair pink, but when the paint dried, it was more red than pink.† 2. The one-syllable adjective occurs with an adjective of two or more syllables. â€Å"The lecture was more dull and lengthy than the previous one.† 3. It is easier for the speaker to say. â€Å"Both views may be right, but mine is more right than yours.† (Other one-syllable words that compare with more are real and wrong.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Writing Prompts 101Grammar Quiz #21: Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Clauses150 Foreign Expressions to Inspire You

Monday, November 4, 2019

Advertisment case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Advertisment case - Essay Example The advantage of the approach is that is has an exceptional market reach. A magazine is rarely acquired by the modern day sports person. An easier access through a phone to the company website may be more effective. The Runner’s World may provide sufficient marketing for our existing brand. However, a new marketing media may be required for the expansion of our market. The new approach must have a significant regard to the new acquisitions of fishing, hunting and camping. In addition, the new media selected should have the online option of AD placement. The new strategy would increase the reach of our advertising. The new strategy would also increase our positioning and marketing segmentation options. From the suggested options, it would be important and beneficial to the organization if the two alternatives are implemented. The only disadvantage to the alternatives is that they would increase our marketing costs. However, the benefits from approach would more advantageous to the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Article response paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Response paper - Article Example The problems of the ESL students are mainly at the sentence level. Their writing problems are different as compared to the students of native speakers. It begins at the word and sentence levels. They face difficulties in every component of the sentence, and with spelling, grammar and word usage. The essential difference between the native speakers and ESL students is that the former can speak English correctly, as such they can also write correctly. The latter have skills in their native language. They have ideas but their issues relate to the use of appropriate words and grammatical errors confront them. Personal observations/comments On close examination of the article, I realized the importance of the rater and the challenges the ESL students have to face in reading or writing in English. They have problems in several segments of life, and racial segregation overrides all other considerations. Low self-efficacy, financial difficulties, separation from immediate family members and friends, highly different cultural environment, all these contribute to the problems related to assimilation in the mainstream society. Student behavior in classroom in America differs much and the discipline is loose. They can come late to the class, question teachers, cut jokes and this type of behavior is not accepted in the Chines classrooms. Their main difficulties are in the areas of form, morphology, terminology and syntax which vary from their native language. They may have ideas but lack expression; as such the audience may not be able to follow the contents. The difficulties for acquisition of skills in writing differ for various cultural groups of ESL students. Before reading the article I used to consider the problem of the ESL student’s writing in isolation. On the strength of the various issues mentioned in the article, I now realize that it is but one of the multifarious problems faced by the student and the improved ability of the student in writing may addres s to partial solution of some of those issues. ESL students are a heterogeneous lot. Much difference exists even when the students are from the same country as they belong to different States/Regions, where slang, tradition and culture differ. With such varied cultural and linguistic backgrounds the assessment of their English writing is beset with problems. Some sort of reconciliation will have to be worked out to arrive at an authentic solution, as it concerns the career of the combustible younger generation. In a competitive job market, each mark, each recommendation counts. So, the rater may build or break the career of an ESL student, unintentionally though, with the deficient system of rating. The author is aware of this complexity and has mentioned twenty reviews and given details of those empirical studies as for the factors affecting rating of ESL writing in North American school contexts, segregating them as rater-related and task-related and has highlighted their importan t components. These factors are not exclusive and research on the subject is a continual process and the author has informed that in the light of the experience gained, gaps and proposed directions for future research have been identified. The author emphasizes a number of times in the article that assessment of writing is the problematic area for which no cut and dry formula cannot be submitted as the final word on the subject. He quotes Speck and Jones (1998), â€Å"there are more problems than solutions -problems of inter-grader